Positive energy attracts positive energy. Negative attracts negative. If, in a meeting, someone yawns, what happens? Everyone starts to yawn. It is all about energy. Because we are now with positive...
... Majority of my clients are executives, and I use principles of Positive Psychology to help them find their passion, dreams.. You told me you are bringing something new, a new therapeutic format......
Walt Disney was 54 years old when he opened Disneyland in 1955. He used to take his two daughters, Sharon and Diane, to parks in the 40's, before Disneyland. Disney was a great observer. In my...
Positive Psychology does not criticize any form of therapy. It complements with focus on strenthgs,i.e... It is a choice to hug children for the great grades or focus on the bad one. Positive...
In my travels, any place, people will say "every rule has an exception" in any language... I was 13 when I discovered a rule without exception, and that is success. Successful people...



Have you ever seen Animal Planet? Have you ever seen how lions hunt? It is fascinating to see their use of focus. They can teach us focus in our business. Let me show how a lion focus. Thousands of...



I will "fight" in this life to bring the best and positive out of children, so they will grow up and will be human examples... .. in life and in the corporate world... I would stay...
Claudemir, could you give us some ideas to my viewers? If I need ONE employee and there are 50 applications, I will get the best because I will pay the same salary... And who is the best? The one who...
Were you inspired by that story? Yes. And I use to quote Nietzsche: "what does not kill me, makes me stronger" I also believe that the stars shine more when it is too dark. The story...
In my presentations, I say that from fecundation, from moment "zero", we prove we are all winners. "millions" died on the way to life, and you fought for life, and...