[ Music ] I'm Jacquie Williams-Bridgers, Managing Director of International Affairs and Trade. Global public opinion of the United States has improved over the last year, but U.S. foreign...
Well good afternoon everyone. I am really pleased to join Professor Zang in welcoming you all and in doing that I want to also extend my thanks to him for his leadership of our Asian Law Center. He is...
Mario Otero, the U.S. State Department Undersecretary for Democracy and Global Affairs was in Brussels on November 3. One of her most interesting meetings was with 25 European leaders from the Young...
there's a new report out by Harvard University's Kennedy School government and it's about the cost although wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now I know that we were suppose to...
And now, this concludes the 80th year of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. At the school's founding in 1933, Dean Halford Hoskins observed that there is, quote, "An...
President Park Geun-hye returned to Korea Wednesday afternoon, concluding her trip to Russia for the G20 Summit in Saint Petersburg and a five-day state visit to Vietnam. Kim Yeon-ji has a wrap up of...
welcome to democratic television a program of the santa clara county democratic party that brings insights perspectives and attitudes of are always stop hold on the credit guests today were joined by...
Live from the cat cave in downtown God knows where next to the washer and the dryer, it's Cat Mojo with Jackson Galaxy. Welcome, welcome to Cat Mojo. I'm Jackson Galaxy live from the...
Wittenberg was once again the setting for a Seminar jointly organized by the U.S. Embassy Berlin and the Center of U.S. Studies in Wittenberg. This cooperation was initiated in 1995. This is the...



UNDER SECRETARY SONENSHINE: Any individual looking at what is good for him or her is looking at a variety of factors. Do I have a good job? Am I safe in my community? Am I secure in my country? So...

