I absolutely recommend Widen to everybody that I speak to and I've worked for some Fortune 500 companies that I'm still friends with and still network with today. And we talk a lot,...
I Capture, Store, Secure, and Deliver. I get it. Creating great television content is the most important part of your job. So once you've put that final credit on your latest production, you...
Our customers that are currently using it absolutely love it. They just love that self service aspect. A lot of our customers, because they're small mom and pop shops, they have to hire...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\fi-1440\li1440\f0\fs24 Tsion Gonen: The future lies...
Rezexpert is the latest in online reservation software compatible with mobile devices. It is a low cost feature rich solution to help you manage your reservations and property. Wether laptop, ipad, or...
Import content in Author-it. You have two ways to get your content into Author-it: you can create it from scratch inside Author-it or you can import it from an external file. Many types of files can...



Content creation and actual content needs often don’t match in an enterprise, and despite the variety of information at hand the options for your marketing department to express them appropriately...
So CSC has over 14000 web pages right now, we have 10s of 1000s of pdfs, we have hundreds of people around the globe in our 70 locations that are actively working on maintaining and contributing to...
You know, scan a bunch of stuff for me, and then tag it, uh, uh, organize it, store it, make it available for backup, make it available for archiving. And then what'll happen is that now...
Hi. Let’s look at setting up some usage rights, expiry dates and expiry notifications for some assets. First if we visit an asset and then edit it. We can make use of the usage rights attribute that...