Well, my name is Denis Russo Burgierman and I'm a journalist. Today I've decided to talk about the question proposed by TED for the event: "What does Brazil have to offer the...
It’s a really remarkable year for British culture and I think the whole cultural sector deserves credit for that. But at the same time we have to reflect that, a bit like Banquo’s ghost at the feast,...
Interview with Eben Moglen Well I think I would begin by putting it this way The book, which is the first mass-produced article in western culture, is really the beginning of the process of...
Sawteyat, which means phoentics or the Science of Sound It is a sound installation on the street The idea is not to have music but only sound and for people to get to know the idea of a sound...
[music] From coloring books to record covers, rainbows are everywhere. I bet you can even remember the colors without thinking twice. Although in real life no one really says...
Roughly around that time too the conceptual vision for the product stabilized and those are the moments where you start to gain clarity on kind of what the heart and soul is of what you're...



Hi, this is Linda Kropp here, making my video for week 2 of the eLearning and Digital Cultures MOOC. Last week, I thought I had a grasp on this whole MOOC thing and then this week I found several new...



(man) Welcome, everyone, to Tyneside Cinema. A wonderful cinema, please come here again. We want the afternoon to be as interactive and engaging as possible. We don't actually know...