Hello my name is Luis Estrada and I am a software developer. In this video I'll show you how to edit pictures. The first thing to consider before editing images is the software you will use to...
I signed up with SnapMarket because I was looking for a place to sell my photos where the commissions were higher than the others and it was completely free to sign up with SnapMarket and I was really...
A question I get asked quite a lot is where is the best place to store your images or photos online, as many people want to be able to upload their photos online so they can view them with other...
Digital compositing refers to the process in which multiple images are assembled to create one final image. The following exercise takes seven images and composites them to create one final image. To...
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Load2Learn – Making curriculum materials accessible Hello. Welcome to the Slow to Learn video on understanding file sizes. All computer files have a size and the size of that file determines what you...



The next step in mastering Photoshop is understanding resolution. So I would like to start out by opening up an image. I am going to go into the Chapter 3 folder here in Bridge, in my Content panel,...

