Michael Liu says got a new book out about the stock market oh boy damn pretty I'm he said you are 60 minutes to talk about it it's called flash boys because it's about flash...
here comes Santa Cruz again can't get enough a beating so he says the beat himself home on his own Facebook page he decides that he's gonna put on a pole I about how terrible...
hundreds of people in Albuquerque got together to do a ten-hour protest over the weekend and they were protesting the Albuquerque Police Department now the Department recently-released a helmet cam...
the University of Arizona lost in the NCAA and as a result from the students took to the streets to do little right lolol drums happening I'm and as a result cops showed up with right gear and...
a driver in Tampa Florida got footage if someone who was rear ending her at that's what they call it right no tailgating her a driver in Tampa Florida any a driver in Tampa Florida got footage...
if you are a fan up comedy and/or Twitter you probably know about the hash tag cancel cold air which is going on right now now call their courses a satirist from the cold air report and he does satire...



with every passing day conflict between ukraine russia seems more and more likely just a few days ago we estimated the number I russian troops massing along the border with Ukraine to be around 20,000...
Hi, i know exaclty what you want you want to poss exams, you want a better job you want to travel all you need a second language unfortunately, nobody will place it into your head you have to do it...



Hi David ... Hi John ... Does this look familiar?... Right Very much like the kind of tests, the grammar test for students ... right multiple choice with three very similar parts of speech ... right...
a student at the University of North Carolina handed in a paper we're gonna read it to you because that's how short it is and got an A minus on this let let right look at on the...