Mi bedaŭras, sed mi ne deziras esti imperiestro. Tia rolo ne taŭgas por mi. Mi volas nek regni nek konkeri iun ajn. Mi volus helpi ŭiun ajn, se tio eblus. ŭu judon, ŭu nehebreon, ŭu nigrulon, ŭu...
hi this is a review nerium AD is a skin miracle serum they put on at night and the reason that I think it's cause because originally they had been testing it for skin cancer purpose is to see...
In recent years, you've had a rapprochement with Western countries. You've had important Western leaders like Tony Blair coming here. Gathafi wasn't sitting in any tent,...
The ousting of Yugoslavian president at the hands of unarmed youth revolution, this strategy was a sample of this idea When you raise the level of violence oppression, the resistance goes up as well....
I'm sorry, but I don't want to be an emperor, that's not my business. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible - Jew, gentile,...
As UN figures have revealed that over 2 million people have fled their homes in Syria, Nato's political chief on Monday called for a strong 'international response' on the use...
Indisputably there is a link. How can this be explained? Even a child could work out that the annual military budget world wide are driven entirely by suunto m5. Perhaps to coin a phrase suunto...
So, you may or may not have heard but earlier this week a phone call, allegedly between the Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his son was released. During the calls the two men speaking are...
So in this voting system, are any of our players dictators? Do any have veto power? Are there any dummies? And so, let's start with the idea of a dictator. So a dictator is somebody who can...
this episode of the young turks is brought to you by audible dot com everybody over at part of all podcast dot com slash to the white sea abundant ministration has uh... decided not to admit that i...