Deportaciones de obama

"Los DREAMers" ... " Son Estadounidenses en su corazón, en sus mentes; en todos los sentidos menos en uno: en el papel." Puede que ella sea de otra parte puede que...
also but one of the there there's a adeb republican senator named mike uh... i think it's crap well i mean maybe i'm pronouncing it wrong just because it sounds funny rent cray...
yesterday alex jones who was on the piers morgan show help piers morgan c_n_n_ show lately has been known for piers morgan's gun control discussions and he has had all sorts of gun rights...
Si se aprueba, el plan del Senado se basaría en los avances históricos que hemos hecho en la seguridad fronteriza en los últimos cuatro años, con el plan de seguridad fronteriza más agresivo en...
I'm gonna show you some video here love tea party Republican got congressman Scott Desjarlais is telling an 11-year-old girl at a town hall meeting I just a few days ago that her undocumented...
exxon mobile exxon has and on an oil spill an arkansas neighborhood i've got video of it to show you in a second andrew the liberal truck driver from arkansas contacted me about this and said...
We are the first generation of Europeans who have never had to defend their freedom. As a consequence, we now take freedom so much for granted it has become a root assumption about reality, so that,...