During a pre-trial settlement conference, what is the likelihood that you will be able to speak to the judge who's supervising these settlement discussions? Would you like to learn the answer?...
Here are three secrets insurance adjusters won't simply tell you. Would you like to learn what they are? Come join me while I share with you this great information. Hi. I am Gerry Oginski....
[MUSIC] My name is Nabil Dagher. I'm a transplant surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Director of Living Donor Transplantation at Johns Hopkins. [MUSIC] Living donor liver...
Hi, my name is Leah Johnson. I have three children, and we've been coming here to the Creston Children's Dental Clinic My, uh, youngest two did great here, they had no cavities But my...
I want you to think about something else that should be very important for each of your practices. How do you identify and how do you get your message out to your ideal clients? People who need you...
A man bleeds to death while taking medication prescribed to him by his primary care doctor. Would you like to learn what this is about? Come join me as I share with you this remarkable story. Hi....
Yes ma'am. It's true that there is a discretion sometimes not to disclose what's not, it reasonably will affect you in a wrong way? Yes. Maybe I'm not articulating...
A certain antibiotic may cause deadly heart rhythms. I'm Erin White and THIS is a dailyRx Minute. A common treatment for bronchitis, strep throat, pneumonia and earaches may ALSO cause a...
How to Treat Baby Earaches. Nothing sounds worse to a parent's ear than a baby screaming in earache pain. Bring your child relief and protect their hearing with this advice. You will need A...
We mix and use it Here I mix it and weigh it, to know how many kilos I have, before adding the chemicals. What are you doing there? I'm adding in the chemicals, without them, the ointment will...