today we have shared ideas for me it is important the ideas that we shared with farmers and you that talk about the prohibition of production it is important the process of working together could...



good morning and welcome are to lecture 3 a machine design this'll be a chapter 4 ARV are per machine design textbook Mohr's circle analysis Mohr's circle is named after our...



Hello, it’s Monday, August 22, 2011, and I’m Martin Smith with the daily outlook from UFX Bank. The U.S. Dollar fell against most of the major currencies as traders are expecting Federal Reserve Ben...



Ivan Komarenko - Fire and Water Fire you, water I. x2 The dark dark city, the night passed dreams out. We're tempted by light, like nocturnal moths. Before the stars go out, before the magic...



I’m Shafie. I’m from Peru and I’m 18 years old. I’ve been here since April and am staying until December. So I’ve been here for three and a half months. It has been one of the greatest years of my...
They are filling bottles with seawater to drink in Santa Pola. Laura and Salva travel from Albacete. And she takes this water without treating it. Other followers of the known as Dolphin's...
In this particular mechanism, we have a body 2 which is rotating, and as it rotates, this body 4 will be oscillating. At this point B, body 5 is connected to body 4. Body 6 (point C) is moving along...



Let's talk about a certain body. This body is rolling on body 1. It has a contact at point O. Again, this is a rolling body. If we know omega, the angular [velocity of] rotation of this body,...



In this particular mechanism, we have a body 2 which is rolling. The point of contact with body 1 is O2, here. If we know omega 2, the angular velocity [ not rotation ] of body 2, then we can...



In this mechanism, we wish to determine omega 4 given omega 2. We have already determined the location of centro 12. Centro 13 is not yet determined. Centro 14 is already determined. Centro 23 is at...

