Dear viewers, I'm Shamsun A warm welcome from The Bangla Kitchen I'll be making a very simple dish today It will be dal Perhaps you all know how to make dal But I hope to show you a...
3 Deliciosas alternativas para las papas fritas (Ádeliciosas!) Lindsey: ÁHola chicos! Soy Lindsey con Estoy aqu’ para hablarles el d’a de hoy acerca de antojitos crujientes. A...
-(automated voice) Self-destruct in one minute. -What's the plan, soldier? Risk my ass to save you? Uh, no. Dudes, pleasure working with all of you but I gotta go. I gotta go. Bye, guys....
Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes Here are the most important guidelines for fast and easy juicing, for avoiding waste of high-priced vegatables and fruits, for eliminating health and wellbeing risks,...
Hello everyone! So today I'm going to show you how to make yogurt at home. I'm a huge fan of yogurt, and my relationship with it has been evolving throughout the years. At the...
Hi, I'm Andrei. Today we're going to make a cold soup okroshka It's a Russian national dish, usually made in summer We're going to make okroshka using the simplest of...
You were supposed to burn it! Well I wasn't expecting her company so soon. I was lucky to get the head out of there! I don't understand why it's that bad? If she realised what...