Awake, with a warm sweat pouring over me. How great it is to feel that you're alive! I'm no hero; I'm just trying to play the role. But, I will never forget that night they stood in line on the bridge...
With just an ounce of envy I hold my head heavy but i I can't believe what you've become Such a fitting scene Are you trailing behind But you hold your own And now you face it And i know all to well I...
I'm beating up myself and I'm wearing out myself to succeed in this game. Scarred and bruised I won't let up, nothing you say can tear me down End this nightmare and continue on the dreams I'm beating...
Kids, on my first day as a college professor, there re two things I didn't know that I wish did. The first thing was that your mother was in that classroom. The second thing? Well, to explain tt, we...
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Thank you very much, Donna, for a very gracious introduction. I do have a very interesting job. A job which in many ways is represented a change of directions for me, but has me thinking about a...
Hey guys, unexceptional rounder here. And today I am going to talk about some basic poker definitions and terminology. This is something I did based on various requests that I have had and I wasn’t...
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral where two sides are parallel... The word "trapezoid" is from a Greek word meaning "table." These both start with the letter...



A golden rectangle is not made of gold, and it isn't shiny, but it is beautiful ... Many people consider it to be the most beautiful of all rectangles. I don't have a favorite...



We're used to links in a web page standing for other pages. We're also used to items in a pull-down menu standing for actions that we're choosing. Let's look at how we...

