Berezin Film. Elephant in a wheel present Quiet! Meeting in progress Meeting Good afternoon, colleagues! Good afternoon, Petr Petrovich! Nice to see you, Lyubov Andreevna. Please, go ahead. Our...
Hi, my name is Charlie Hobbs, I'm originally from the Atlanta area. I've recently transferred here for a small bit of time. I would say I had an incident through "gay...
The easiest way to find a plot of land is to look online or in the local newspaper. The problem is unless you're prepared to pay big money, the plots in your price range may come with some...
03 sunset on the boat by TravelPod member reisenachinnen 05 no ghats here.. by TravelPod member reisenachinnen 05a the 'slow boat' on the mekong by TravelPod member reisenachinnen 06...
Nazareth Ilit, Jewish Forever! Residents of Nazareth Ilit, this is a demonstration of one man I, Asher Lev, am demonstrating here Against the racist policy of Shimon Gafso About one month ago the...
[SOUND][MUSIC]. The media is the message and the messenger, and increasingly a powerful one. >> In a world of a million channels, people try to do more shocking and shocking things to...
ESPN pulled the racist title off its website within 35 minuntes and apologized Under Lin's leadership, the Knicks lost the chance to win their eighth straight game Later ESPN posted an article...
>>FAITH: I've never had acne problems growing up. So to have this come on all of a sudden it was a little, little catastrophic for me. [Music] >>FAITH: I practice...
You know, when we think about microaggressions um, it's not, like, the big, overt acts of racism-- that's not what we're talking about here-- or sexism, or heterosexism or...
mel gibson has been cut and yet another racist rant i'm david packed in here with you and mid-week politics course check out our website at mid-week politics dot com make sure to uh... travis...