let's talk about kiryas Amazon items as you know in addition to the membership program you can support the David Pakman show by going to our website David Pakman dot com you scroll down on the...
we have news from the Sandusky Register this story has nothing to do with Jerry Sandusky although once I tell you the story you might understand why I am making that clarification the Sandusky...
we've talked about Brian Fisher saying a lot a really weird things that don't make sense of course Brian Fisher from the American Family Association he hosts his anti-gay show called...
half above the deadliest US shootings in history have happened in the last 6 years Rachel Maddow that a segment about this on her MSNBC show last night they put all the information up on the Rachel...
what makes a lot of sense is this program expanding to five days a week and we have an IndieGoGo campaign right now that we are running it ends in February and we are asking for your support to expand...
also the another element that completely backfired on republicans when it came to you holding attempting to hold Obamacare funding hostage through the government shutdown is as AlterNet rights the GOP...
main has a republican governor his name is Paula page rush story rights about above the Republican governor of Maine saying that 47 percent above the state's residents choose not to work...
today in show history Louis years ago today on the David Pakman show one year ago today reddit co founder Aaron Swartz committed suicide in the middle of that trial which could have led to prison time...
let's go to voicemails we've got to voicemails today from Scrubs Oakley okie diabetic Darrell in a ditch in a field in california let's listen to the first one who is this is...
welcome to the David Pakman show day to you from our new york city headquarters we will be talking about the fast-food strikes coming up I just walked by one of them literally just broke blocks from...