{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\f0\fs20 Artist: Fat Boy Rhymer\par Title: Pop dat\par \par...
[Fabolous] Nigga, don't tell me what niggas say about me Tell me why they feel comfortable telling you... The saddest stories comes from those who once had the glory Had the foreigns, diamond...
ya Mak lee Mak lee uh okay back to where my set at you know we got the trees trees burning like a bench press you know we got the green green growing like a florist got my rhymes on ya bitch head like...
boy cudda strong have a Samson figure scary michael jackson thriller shot will beat from all angles me call it dione jackson miller nuh feel a marley son when me rise up dah ziggy yah me call me gun...



(*50 cent speaking) i'm in the hood man/i'm in the hood all the time man son i come back from all the talk i come through see i switch through ive got mad cars and shit like dat but...
I got a sick obsession - with rippin mics chill as ice, back from the dead niggas done killed me twice still i keep coming back hittin niggas with hammers Shitting on country bammers i'm...
[Verse 1:] I'm on the dark street with different men I'm ignorant, shoot the car seat that your infant in Appleby's, we rap beef when it's sizzlin' I'm...
Why do the beautiful ones always smash the picture, each and every time? I aint trippin, cuz niggas can't even see me. I started flippin these beats and rhymes as soon as i was freaking...
that would get it wants it just do it it's on the job of competition and let me tell me where the action you know does not exist notice kitty cats in houston and this is if you want me to...