Der zweifel widr voruberziehn Das dunkel sich erhellen Ein silberstreif nach osten hin Ein licht in sanften wellen Und morgenrote bricht die nacht Verdrangt der kalte schauer Das zittern weicht der...
Move him into the sun - Gently its touch awoke him once, At home, whispering of fields unsown. Always it woke him, even in France, Until this morning and this snow. If anything might rouse him now The...
Sinful rain bathing this narrow square soaking my vein, infolding my stare Yes, they are goading me... as if shame will survive me An old woman's knees kissing the tiles spirits lie broken, salvation...
Raindrops chase the ground Whip around boiling sound of Thunder takes the air, Cracks of laughter everywhere. Raindrops hail the air, Lightnings wince in great despair, A burning roofs, once scared,...
Der Flugelflagel gaustert Durchs Wiruwaruwolz die rote Fingur plaustert und grausig gutzt der Golz
Aeons may have passeth by, memories are fading I wish you to have found your way and kept your imaginery
A paveway of graveyards, wetted by tears reflecting the clouds that huddle together the sky to protect from seeing the pain Unbearable, my soul uproars, the sobs of thousands grind all thoughts Clouds...
This is no god, this is but me a shivering spine with eyes that see behind that faces souls whose dimensions controlled by fear, and no comprehension Educated eagerness, erase from consciousness I am...
The flower spreads, and wisdom staggers clue disperses moreover sense has melt away unintentious, but with great effect "Motionless attitude, never selfmade attitude fearful, common laziness,...
Doch nach die ture du erreicht bedenk, ob dies allein nicht schon genugt wer zwingt dich denn, hindurchzugehn wer weib, was dich erwartet dann das ende des weges, willkommen am nichts willkommen......