Tell me about Jon Arryn. One minute he was fine and then Burned right through him, whatever it was. I loved that man. We both did. He never had to teach you much, but me? You remember me at 16? All I...
Who would buy a piece of new equipment costing twenty five to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars without an operating manual and troubleshooting guide? Who would do that? No one I know!...
Give me some skin........No Really....... I'm Tony Scott and thanks for watching News You May Have Missed. Torz Reynolds, a 26 year old woman in England was told by her 24 year old boyfriend...
yes epic you know what's up guys and welcome again payday 2 you they do the highest bidder is somewhat using a contract payday 2 let's see what you have here watchdogs 3 nightclub...
Are you looking forward to become an adult? Yeah.. a litt.. Yes. -You are? -Mmm. And then what will you do? I'm gonna become a musketeer. -A musketeer? -Mmm. Aha.. -So, when you grow up?...
you think you can handle me? you can't take what I'm dealin see the way I grind the way I sign strike fear in all you nagas feed you hit me back wit dis and that hashtag son fo I take...
Hi, me and Marilee we want to come on here and share our testimonies. The Lord has been showing us things, since Mariliee and her husband brother Andy come to visit us. Marilee was telling me about...
If you are wondering why am i upside down well its because of this post that shows me america has gone upside down with the crimes today smh we need more real people to stand up for tevin geike its...
Ya'll don't know what it's like when it gets hot. The poorest of you go from air conditioned house, to air conditioned car, to air conditioned work. In 1944 South Carolina, air...