I'm drowning in colours In a pool of flaming stars All the giants are dead It doesn't matter who you are I'm floating in light Plastic rooms and liquid space Nothing in sight But the freak that wears...
I'm standing up, I'm sitting down A precious jewel - creation's crown? Someone is holding my breath Someone is finding my fears While the self got lost as the world appeared Gimme more, gimme less...
I sleep inside the machinery Letting it all go Wait, keep, preserve the cold within yourself What more is there to know Watchin' seven holy man bring on the funeral bell Flashing it so all can see...
Where were you as the sun died Spewing out its collapse Did you care as heaven slowly fried Missing out on the Swansong You were never that keen But my death was a knockout I believe It's a cold...
Abstract sun, you're the Sanskrit in my book Dominion, innocence and pride you took As a god, I drink the beauty with my eyes As a man, I do become what I despise The first time I tried, I bled and I...
Nothing and nothing I see Nothing and nothing I hear When the seasons change When the children play In these clouded days The doubts will stay Right by my side In flood and tide Dust soaks my eyes My...
Thunder and lighting, action, come fire, come rain The wizard is playing god in his armchair again Cyberlike snake eyes they burn The man with the black cat will show us what tricks he has learned...