One brush that I think everyone should know how to use is the crease brush. So it's really simple. Basically, what it's designed for is to go right in the crease of your eye, which is...
Thought it might be nice to share with you my birthday presents! And tell you a bit about how my party went. I wrote a blog post but I may as well make a video because blah blah why not? I just had...
Hullo! Um, just before I get started, I want to say a wee bit of a sorry. Because um, I just noticed I have a YouTube inbox. So to all the people who've sent me lovely messages and I...
I'm gonna do everything without using any makeup brushes at all! Hi everybody! So today I'm gonna do a makeup tutorial for you and I'm gonna do everything without using any...
So, next we're going to be using a Crease Shade with a certain brush that is perfect for putting on crease shadow. I'm going to show you how to do that. So, I'm going to start...
So, right now I'm going to show you some classic Adele makeup. The main things that make Adele iconic is the cut crease, kind of shadow look. She does a lot just in the crease, but keeps the...
Hi, I’m Si Nguyen, director of marketing for Duplo USA. Thank you for your interest in our products. From all-in-one slitting/cutting/creasing machines and perfect binders to sheetfeeding and...
Hey guys how you doing? I'm back with a new look not really a new tutorial just a new look and i mean its spring and i get inspired by all the spring vibe and spring feeling with the colors...
Hi, I'm Sarah Dillon. I'm a certified translator with over 10 years of experience helping small businesses communicate their vision to an international audience. You don't need...
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