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Hi, this is Ann Myrick, and today I'm going to show you, how to remove bathtub decals. Many time you will move into a place and they'll have the decals, like ducks for the children, or...
There are 2 ways to start a new design. If you want to start with a blank slate, just click this red button that says “New Design”. However, if you prefer to preserve the formatting of your first...
How to make stickers. Supplies needed are: Scissors, wax paper, packaging tape, an image, How to make it: 1. Measure the size of your picture and see if it fits your tape height. 2. Cut your tape and...
When we talk with clients about vinyl decals, one of the questions we get asked a lot is … “Which grade of vinyl should I choose for my vinyl decals”? (the short version) Well, that’s a great...
Eric With Rockin H Farm Toys, welcome to the last of my 3 part series of making decals for awesome models. Here I will teach you how to make water slide decals. I'm using decal paper from a...
When we talk with clients about vinyl decals, one of the questions we get asked a lot is … “Which grade of vinyl should I choose for my vinyl decals”? Well, that’s a great question to ask because if...
Domed Labels have many uses. Some you might not be even be aware of. They adorn the back of your vehicle proudly displaying the seller. They beautify your kitchen appliance as you cook your food. They...
In this clip we're going to talk about designing a magnetic bumper sticker. The good news about this is until recently in order to have a magnetic anything you had to print the paper first and...
Our SignMagic Online Design Tool isn’t just for signs anymore – You can now use it to accurately design & price the lettering you want to display on your van decals. But there’s a trick to...