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home one day during the year only are not decent housing needs goji anybody not changing in the variety houses briefly thanks first we are going to be a look just show you well she is nineteen...
How to make stickers. Supplies needed are: Scissors, wax paper, packaging tape, an image, How to make it: 1. Measure the size of your picture and see if it fits your tape height. 2. Cut your tape and...
Hello. My name is Nick and today I'm going to show how to create face stubble for your minifig decal using Inkscape. First of all, we are going to need a basic face template, which you can...
Eric With Rockin H Farm Toys, welcome to the last of my 3 part series of making decals for awesome models. Here I will teach you how to make water slide decals. I'm using decal paper from a...
In this clip we're going to talk about designing a magnetic bumper sticker. The good news about this is until recently in order to have a magnetic anything you had to print the paper first and...
Hi Eric Rockin H Farm Toys, welcome to part 2 in my three part series demonstrating how to make decals for cool projects. In this video I will demonstrate how to make decals with mailing labels. To...
[Industrial Noises] Welcome to Creative Safety Supply’s Product Spotlight, and today we’re going to be featuring the Brady BMP21 Industrial Handheld Labeling System. And some great fine points of...



Introducing custom offer table tents from FollowMeSticker Write your own custom offer, add your Fan Page info, and we'll make your free QR code! each tent has simple instructions! So, how can...
Hi, I'm Paul Kaiser. Let's talk about the difference between Bitmap and Vector graphics. Bitmap graphics are kind of like working with a large piece of graph paper. Here we are,...