Now we're going to learn how to play the second part to Cuckoo from Guinea, West Africa. This is for the second Jim Bay accompaniment, so, it's a little bit lower in pitch than the...
How many songs are there yet to come? Tell me, cuckoo, and sing Where am I to live, where am I to die Lying on the ground. . . or lit up like a star? A star Sunshine above, come look at me My hand has...
You can't leave me! Don't be hysterical. I'll be back soon Come back or I'll kill you! Stop to play. We are not in a movie. now we'll talk quietly no! I do not...
Remember, the fifth step on platform number five From today, this is our meeting point! If I come first, I'll wait for you tapping my cane If you are here first, you do the same Understood?...
Clinton fell in love with the King's College turf! by TravelPod member kempstertravels King's College - another by Saun Hughes by TravelPod member mickandlisa Sebastian Outside...



For over 100 years, Britain's mentally ill were hidden from society in vast Victorian asylums. Those who were locked away have left their own testimony. I remember getting the first glimpse of...
Sweepin' the road again today Tim? You know this road, man it's the dirtiest one. It's always got to be clean. It's got to be clean. Got to be clean, clean, clean. Are...
ABC's Terry clay I am back with another video in focus video today it's going to be about haters I what to do with a heinous what to do with my haters think the the do what to do with...
Hi!... My name is Viko... and this is my horse Hey! Viko How you doing? Hi Daniel!... Did you hear the news ? What are you talking about ? Mateo will go to Indonesia Ya I know... That is near Lego...