han sido reconstruidas. En Carolina del Sur toman una familia de rehén para asaltar descaradamente un banco. La policía rastreó a los sospechosos, pero no podían mantener al líder en prisión. El FBI...
we have news from the Sandusky Register this story has nothing to do with Jerry Sandusky although once I tell you the story you might understand why I am making that clarification the Sandusky...
Ray Krone was a postman in Phoenix. Arizona. On New Year's Eve in 1991, he was arrested for the brutal rape and murder of a waitress from the bar where he regularly played darts. Although he...
three women missing for a decade have been found alive in ohio um... they were found in up in ohio house neighborhood by charles ramsay an interview with charles ramsey has now gone viral...
no hemos hablado en absoluto sobre el juicio por asesinato áreas jodi porque ha habido sólo un poco de un montón de día a día tonterías al respecto, pero ahora que tenemos En realidad tengo un...
let kiss is a wonderful little story coming on the uh... just i guess uh... the day before gun appreciation day what day was data gun appreciation day it was on saturday on saturday on friday this...