There are different events out there,there are clubs,private parties,private functions,there's also like city gigs,college parties or there might be like actual dance competitions which I DJ a...



"Popular D.J Music for Parties First figure out what kind of party it is that you're getting booked to spin. And what is it that they want to hear. It can range, old music, new music...
This is the empress tree. Paulownia tomentosa. An important bridge, culturally and economically, between our culture and that of Japan. The empress tree is a native of Japan and far eastern China. But...
Little brick trains little brick tracks little brick cars going clickity - clack. Little brick houses, buildings and shacks, little brick trees and little smoke stacks. Little brick cranes loading up...
ALL ABOARD! 1-2-3-4 Little toy trains all aboard 5-6-7-8 Little toy cars all hauling freight 9- 10 Let's count again, here comes another one around the bend I'm just counting those...
Discussing which way we would go. Doing it as silently as possible since opponents are nearby. Immediatly after I went around the corner I spot an opponent. I try to engage, but notice my UMP .45 is...