People, fight together! Struggle to support each other! Shisizhang! Resist! Shisizhang! Resist! Shisizhang Shisizhang Shisizhang! Resist! Sanying! Resist! Sanying! Resist! Sanying Sanying Sanying!...



Steve Dotto here. Today, we are going to talk about real productivity. What percentage of time that you spend on your computer would you say you spend doing productive tasks? Do you think you spend...



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GBC cares about the safety of you and your employees. That's why the CC2700 was designed to ensure operator safety. The rollers have enough power to insert coils, but can be stopped with very...



Itís something that you just donít talk about. Deep in the heart of Dixie . . . . We are a transportation hub. . . . . slavery returns to the south. The same things that bring businesses here also...
Education is clearly going to be the cornerstone of personalized medicine being successful. Genomic Health has put a tremendous amount of resources into education -- educating physicians, payers, and...
Well, I'm probably a little biased as the CEO, but Genomic Health is a pretty special place to work. We have nearly 600 employees now spread across the world, all drawn together with a single...
I think one of the best ways to define personalized medicine is when disease happens to you or to somebody you love. Oftentimes we hear definitions of getting the right drug to the right patient in...
Recently, looking at various distressing news items, I've been thinking about the issue of self-love, about loving yourself. We've all been taught, as an important value, that we...
The DiSTI Corporation is the leading provider of graphical user interface software and customized 3D training soultions. Since 1994, our software products and professional services have pioneered the...