PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. And welcome to what is going to become a series of reports on environmental and climate change issues with Patrick Bond,...



Lâmpadas modernas podem oferecer diferentes temperaturas de cor - indicadas em uma unidade denominada "Kelvin". A temperatura de cor ajuda a criar climas diferentes. As lâmpadas com...



Se você pudesse construir o futuro o que iria querer? Queremos comida saudável e água limpa para todos nós. Eu quero um emprego bom que ajuda a mim e minha família. Eu quero nadar em oceanos limpos!...



Alexander Zhuravskii, director of the department of state policy in the sphere of inter-ethnic relations at the Ministry of Regional Development In July this year a three-year plan to implement the...
t_v_ and maybe try to put him in a program on it they made damaged part you know that you do people she really did not mean that we care goes back into the only committed there in but i must go in the...



Excuse me, Mr. Secretary General I want to speak with you as a citizen. I think that only one person can hardly change the world. However if we all work for a good cause, then we could make the world...
Make sure that your printer is turned ON. Open the cover of the encoding module, then the cover for the printing module. Remove the ribbon if necessary. Locate the 2 cleaning rollers and remove them....



This is one of the first Secretaries General who has essentially lived as a child with the issues that the UN is most concerned. He experienced war, and he was displaced. And I think that you see that...



My request to our supporters is to act as per the Islam next is about the constiution, the constitution article 4, states that All the powers of the State of Maldives is derived from, and remain with...
Buenas tardes delegados de MUNNI. Mi nombre es Serena Bai, y soy la Secretaria-General del Modelo de Naciones Unidas de la Universidad de Harvard para América Latina, también conocido como HNMUN-LA...

