Descent was a revolutionary FPS created in 1994 that basically hybridized the first person shooter action with the complexity of a space sim. The game is played with six degrees of freedom, meaning...
For commercials it is really good to do because sometimes they give you juts like cool funny kid or something like that and you don't really have much to go off of, but there is like a thing...
What's going on everybody? Welcome to today's tutorial on algebra. My name is Jack Jenkins and this is Academy of One. Today, I'm going to be talking about compound...



New Kid in Town by Eagles There's talk on the street It sounds so familiar Great expectations Ev'rybody's watchin' you People you meet They all seem to know you Even...



This is Harry, he is making foley and ADR for his video. This is Tyler Lee He just ran out of his English class. Yo, What's up? Sup. Tyler? Do you have E block?, what are you doing here? I...
Hi I’m Chris Hurn the CEO and Cofounder of Mercantile Capital Corporation. Today I wanted to tell you about a short customer service story that I think will warm your heart as much as it has mine....
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Hi, this is Daniella Buettner with the Right Start in Sherman Oaks on behalf of Expert Village. In this clip we'll be talking about bath toys. Why should play be just for outside the bath? We...