
All About Confucianism Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system, on occasion described as a religion, developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (Kong Fuzi, or...
today I'm going to tell you why Koreans are always one year older than their actual age. when you learn Korean language you need to learn to Korean culture at the same time if you have any...
Nintendo began by producing card games. The desire for amusement has always been present throughout human history. That cannot be denied. When one of our games became particularly popular, people...
Here is the 2 minute breakdown of Key Concept 2.1: The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions. So as civilizations developed, religious and cultural systems provided a bond...
Confucianism is all about tempering your instincts with intellectual discipline, with book learning.
The world will always need revolution. That doesn't mean shooting and violence. A revolution is when you change your thinking. Confucianism and Christianity were both revolutionary.
Under Confucianism, the use of precisely measured court music, prescribed steps, actions, and phrases all added up to an extremely complex system of rituals, each used for a particular purpose at a...



Life and human society are the chief concern of Confucianism and, through it, the chief concern of the Chinese people.



Confucianism strongly condemned the use of drugs like opium.
[MUSIC] In the previous segment, we discussed polytheist, monotheist, and dualist religions, which despite many differences, all share the belief in Gods. But during the first million BC religions of...

