To thee, mother country, my thoughts turn with sweet longing, here, as we sing and drink. With malice is our country insulted by the villains as they sing and drink. With wreaths of laurel, with wine...
Partiré buscando caminos para liberar mis recuerdos de lo que fue, lo que ya pasó se fue. Saldré a la vida entonces a ver colores de media tarde, en el horizonte aun llueven poesías en el cielo...



Alice is a cantata divided in seven parts, for narrator, children choir, piano and Orff percussion. The text written by Francesco Pelosi is based on "Alice's Adventures in...
cantos primero quiera el cielo que el lector animoso y momentáneamente tan feroz como lo que le encuentre sin desorientarse su camino abrupto y salvaje a través de las ciénagas desoladas de éstas...
SaLuSa 17 ottobre 2011 . Non passa giorno senza ulteriori sviluppi dei piani dei nostri alleati e ciò accelera il momento in cui effettuare alcune mosse concrete per bloccare le attività degli...
We Took the BART! We Took the BART! We Took the BART! We Took the BART! I don't need to drive a car. I got some money on a plastic card. Anywhere you want to cross the bay. Just make sure you...
We should call an ambulance. Impossible. Phones don't work here. Wait a moment. There's something wrong. Look at these signs, they shouldn't be. The first cervical vertebra is...