In order to attempt to design a collection, you first have to go through a process of finding your inspiration, of compiling it from different sources of your own, of magazines, anywhere you want to...
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[MUSIC] KARL KUSSEROW: I'm Karl Kusserow, John Wilmerding Curator of American Art at the Princeton University Art Museum. And we're here today to talk about one of the great icons of...
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Hello YouTube and welcome to this unusual video ! After receiving about 250 millions requests about this, I finally decided to make a collection video That's why I took you to my desk where...
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[Music plays] (Dr. Martin Woods) Mapping our World tells the story of the mapping of a continent from Terra Incognita – the Unknown Land, imagined over two thousand years ago to the chart of...
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>> if you have ever been to the Museum, then you know, it's a Museum like no other, and best Described by one of the curators As a collection of collections. >> the...