Cole world: the sideline story

(function() {var opts = {artist: "J._Cole",song: "Daddy's Little Girl",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
(function() {var opts = {artist: "J._Cole",song: "Can't Get Enough",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
(function() {var opts = {artist: "J._Cole",song: "In The Morning",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
(function() {var opts = {artist: "J._Cole",song: "Nobody's Perfect",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
[Verse 1:] Look, I just shed tears homie and now I ain't too proud to admit it Just seen my father for the first time in a minute And when I say a minute I mean years man Damn, a whale could have swam...
I'm drivin', nigga as soon as I get the text we all in the car like 'ahh, yeah nigga, we outta here nigga, yeah nigga! So we goin' crazy. We goin' crazy as fuck, we like super excited. Dog, ten...
Who dat, who dat? Who dat, who dat? Who dat, who dat? Who dat, who dat? The nigga you been waitin' for? I mean the shit was all bad just a week ago Rappers is bullshittin', fuck it, I ain't hatin'...
Yeah... hey, wassup girl [Verse 1:] Uh, angel eyes, long hair I see you cryin', what's wrong there He did what? He fucked who? We know the story, what's new? See I could probably, rush you Tell you...
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Hi, this is Dr. B. Let's do the BrO2- Lewis structure. For BrO2- we have 20 valence electrons, and that includes this extra electron up here. We'll start, we'll put the Br in...