Im Otsuka, the owner of Tonga Coffee The name comes from the shape of the building being 'tonga-tta' (pointed)... ...and not named after Tonga in the south pacific. My favourite is Nel...
Ryan Soeder: My name is Ryan Soeder. I work for Counter Culture Coffee. We're a wholesale coffee roaster based in Durham, North Carolina. I work on the Customer Support Team in Boston. We are...
So, over my time in business, I've discovered that there seems to be a secret art of asking for advice. Now, I get a lot of user emails -- like, 1,600 of them I've responded to in the...
Our venture was established in 1972 on part of the late Mehdi Sezen. Our venture is unique because we stay true to the original porcelain objects within a 650 year-old civilisation, and bring those to...
I open my eyes to the morning sunlight I look at the time on my phone I put on the clothes I laid out last night And I hurry out the door By myself, I hum along to the song I like listening to...
I'm Nadia Brown and I'm a Business centre assistant for the Northern Design Centre in Gateshead The Northern Design Centre is a building situated in Gateshead where all the creative...
ANNOUNCER: The following program is a production of   Pioneer Public Television.   [music]   NARRATOR: In this episode of Postcards.   I bought the Verne Drive-In Theater 13 years ago.   We opened up...
Ferry to Can Tho by TravelPod member annandrewabroad Ferry to Can Tho by TravelPod member annandrewabroad Pagoda by TravelPod member annandrewabroad Pagoda by TravelPod member annandrewabroad Pagoda...
On behalf of, my name is Dean Forrest with Sedona Cofffee Roasters. I am here to tell you about roasting coffee. Okay we are going to load up the hopper with our next batch. What I...
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