Hello this is Mesengeros and today I have for you guys a new EE on map Nightfall. Do you remember gold aliens' dolls on Point of Contact? Well here is something similar. So in the first...
a heads up yeah he was given a two-year last fling exhibit to be specific later on today should be getting air sometime this week should begin some gameplay first governor what about killer instinct...
kaboom Video Games Recon Hello and welcome to Video Games Recon in this video we will be reviewing the Maverick-A2 sniper rifle, keep in mind that this video was probably filmed before any weapon...
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Hello everybody my name is ActionPacked and I'm back here giving you guys another Extinction video. Today we'll be talking about Episode 2: Mayday within the Devastation DLC which is...
What's up guys? I'm Grace, this is Game On and I have some massive gaming news for you today. Ubisoft has finally revealed the release date of the highly anticipated upcoming game...
Hello this is Mesengeros and this is an achievement guide for Egg-stra XP So this achievement is pretty easy and gives you a boost of xp both on extinction and multiplayer. So what you need to do is...
Hello guys this is Mesengeros and this is a tutorial from brand new extinction map nightfall how to kill the breeder in 60sec. To be honest this video links only to the first meeting with breeder in...