Hey Cookaholics, Chef Kendra here and today we're making a very simple shrimp dish called Shrimp with crispy potatoes and scallions. Of course it's very easy together, but it also has...
Hey Cookaholics, Chef Kendra here and today we're making a grilled cheese sandwich. We're just going to fancy it up just a little bit by adding 2 cheeses and some spicy mustard. So,...
Hey Cookaholics, Chef Kendra here and today we're making Beer Cheeseburgers. We're going to make a cheese sauce that we're going to infuse with beer. It's going to be...
Hey Cookaholics, Chef Kendra here and today we're making Cheesecake stuffed strawberries. What? Cheesecake stuffed strawberries. Very easy to make and has four of my favorite components....
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Twenty Four Hour Comic is, basically you’re in a room for 24 hours and you’ve got to draw twenty four pages. You can take a break but the clock is still ticking, you’re not allowed to do preparation...
Hey Cookaholics, Chef Kendra Here and today we're making an very easy version of the elegant Crème Brulee. What I like about this recipe is that it only has 5 ingredients. It's easy...
Hey Chef Kendra Here and today we're making fried peach pies. First let's make our filling. We're going to start off by draining 1 28 ounce can of peaches. Yes, you can use...