the alliance uh... back in the news tonight with an announcement of a new show unfortunately i did alot of holding out for that but he's been in the news it's on out mostly because he...
Rob McClendon: While we may be concerned about the weather, scientists at U S D A’s Agricultural Research Station in El Reno are more concerned about our climate. Our Jessica Lowe visited the Grazing...
Barry Commoner: "The Closing Circle" Barry Commoner's four laws of ecology vs four laws of capitalism Ecology: Everything is connected to everything else Capitalism: Only...
welcome back Tom Arban here with you and needs way amazing stuff going on with Google you know do no evil yes Google the campaign manager for forecast the fax forecast the fax .org Brad Johnson is on...
sony's climate at change denying and videos with this christian broadcasting network pat robertson center or overalls they say all you know what that they don't allow people on t_v_...
[music] [music] [music] Extreme weather was more frequent in recent years is it a sign that global warming is gaining pace and exceeding predictions? Now, has extreme weather been more frequent in...
preservation mahler uh... is a guy who was skeptical about global warming in fact he got friends for this uh... cub leaders back uh... he uh... published uh... you know statement saying hey you know...
super storm sandy hit the east coast new york new jersey d_c_ uh... all up and down the coast obviously and in fact the toll now is really devastating uh... we've got forty different deaths...
The Skeptic's Case By Dr. David M.W. Evans We check the main predictions of the climate models against the best and latest data. Fortunately the climate models got all their major predictions...
uh... as we speak it is a fraud five oh seven eastern time on uh... monday the twentieth of may and as we speak v of policy is being torn apart there's a dba dry in tornado tomb true miles...