what would you recommend as successful treatment options that are available dr askmen to take care of the tryouts and well today we have a lot of treatment options out there and introductions truly...
can you please describe the contact lens evaluation that the patient would be looking at i'd know it carries i'm sure based on each patient's needs but just in a general sense...
welcome to another edition of the new our guest experts help you learn about the latest medical advances and procedures by providing you with the real information necessary to help you eliminate...
welcome to another edition of the new our guest experts help you learn about the latest medical advances and procedures by providing you with the real information necessary to help you eliminate...
welcome to another addition of it your weekly consultation with the washington d_c_ areas best doctors and professionals our guest experts help you learn about the latest medical advances and...
Hi, I'm Heather welcome to OpticsPlanet. This is your 2011 ultimate eyewear holiday gift guide. I'm going to show you the perfect eyewear for the perfect people on your Christmas list....
Here, with these sunglasses that I designed, my outfit underneath was very futuristic, so I like to do, sometimes when I'm on a futuristic mode, I use all silver, as for the sunglasses. When...
With normal healthy vision everything you see is clear and in focus. Many people refer to this as 20/20 vision. You can see all objects clearly, whether they are close up or in the distance. This is a...
Hello this is Rob Rubin and you're watching Expert Village. Now that you have the lens actually separated from the frame you can clean the lens. One of the best ways I've found to do...