Classroom social media

Welcome to stage one of the LearnIT2teach project. This presentation will be both passive and active. First, we will give you a detailed project overview, followed by an introduction to Chickering and...
{psychedelic sound} I have questions. I have questions. I have questions. Am I prepared to teach online? Do I have the competencies needed to be an effective, online instructor? What should I be doing...
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Obviously it's no surprise to say that if they can establish themselves in the research area that they are working in with or without their supervisor, that's a major thing. And most...
I use the flipped classroom model in a couple of different ways. I do flipping actually in class and outside of class: What I'll do is, when I do in-class, I'll have my
Hello and thank you for joining me. My name is Keith Mickelson and this is my vlog on educational technology.Today our topic will be about YouTube in education and the pros and cons of using YouTube...
Danielle Knox: Well, the kids are in school and deep into learning this morning. But did you know their environment could be hindering them from absorbing all of that necessary information into those...
greetings my name is Rebecca Lee McCarthy, and today I am going to demonstrate how to navigate your classroom in Canvas. But before we begin I what remind you to always feel free to pause this video...
So I like to kind of start these events just give everybody kind of an update of what's going on with Media Commons. Where we're at. Some of the new things we've done over the...
hullo viewers and then come to offline social posting pro review this out quick BDO on our a shark love you about of lines social posting troll now offline social posting throw is saw one of the...