Dan York: I'm here with Jari Arkko, the chair of the Internet Engineering Task Force and we're finishing up the 87th meeting of the IETF here in Berlin, Germany What are some of the...
Verlingo Uma empresa multinacional de logística tem escritórios em mais oito países. Eles expandiram rapidamente nas últimas décadas e a demanda no datacenter aumentou drasticamente. Entretanto,...



Often the issue is I want to put my daughter in Girl Scouts but I can't find a troop can you help me? If they can't reach a human being they can't be helped. I'm Andrea...
bjbj withyoualltoday.AsIwishIcouldbeherethewholetimebecauseit'sjustfascinating,"justthediscussions "wehadthismorning.Mr.Chambers,asalways,whenever Ihear you...
Hi, this is Scott Urban. I'm a Business Development Manager with Cisco Systems, here at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, at the Citrix Synergy show. Today, we're showcasing...
Welcome back to Conference Room Systems, I'm Paul Richards, and I'm here today to talk to you about Zoom.US. Zoom.US is a Cloud-based video conferencing software that allows you to...
Hello guys, my name is Marco Bartulihe And today I'll show you how to upgrade the Cisco Identity Services Engine. This is the Dashboard, the home screen. Clicking on Help > About, there...
Wi-Fi es crítico para los negocios de hoy. Pero con la creciente cantidad de usuarios, que trabajan en un número cada vez mayor de dispositivos, que tienen cada vez más aplicaciones, es un verdadero...



Se estima que habrá 15 mil millones de dispositivos en red en el año 2015. Con el auge de la tendencia "traiga su dispositivo", los dispositivos personales ingresan masivamente al...

