it’s snowing... Whhoooaaa... Hey what are you gu-(Gasp) It’s Christmas! Where’s my present! YAY PRESENTS!! Me first!! Hmmm... I wonder what this could be... oh? My turn!! What’s this? It tells you...
今晚是平安夜 不少市民外出慶祝 迎接聖誕 大型商場林立的地區還沒入黑已經人頭擁擁 聖誕快樂 去了長洲玩 食了海鮮 跟男朋友到了迪士尼和米奇老鼠一起過聖誕 今年市民有甚麼聖誕願望 聖誕願望是希望世界和平 政府多派六千元 還有我愈來愈美麗 我也希望世界更和平 各區也有大型慶祝活動 在尖沙咀海旁 有本地樂手為市民演奏聖誕歌曲 增加節日氣氛 喂 我是文仔呀 祝你聖誕快樂 沒有 祝你聖誕快樂 再見 喂 聖誕...



..Ticho, už ide! Prekvapenie!!! Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám Ježiš! Hey, čo tu stvárate? Dnešok je pre teba výnimočným dňom Svoje narodenniny máš len raz za rok. No to hej, máš pravdu Sadnime si a...



Hi, 大家好!我是Melody 淑慧。在这个新的新一年里,我恭祝大家新年快乐,万事如意 最重要是身体健康! 我要在这里恭祝我所有的女性朋友,大家都青春美丽,永远都皮肤那么滑。 如果是男子呢,我要祝你们永远都那么高大威猛,可以找回个好女朋友、好老婆这样 如果是做生意的朋友呢,我希望你们会生意兴隆啦! 如果是。。啊。。 做。。工作的朋友 就希望你们可以工作顺利,万事如意 如果是读书的朋友,我要恭祝你...



The sunshine will light up hope of those who have wandered every night to find the way out. The feet keep walking without a break for many days and need saving. In my mind I always hope a brighter day...
(gasps) Argh! Huh? Yay! I got my wood back. ...just like "Oh no, you didn't!", and then there's a block of dirt... ...and then they took the dirt, and I got to keep...
Today smart phones and computers do a lot of thinking for us. But language can still be a huge barrier, one that is sometimes caused by the very technologies we use because they do not understand...
justin but our marilyn kit of life that whether the selection of courses marami sab advisers and uh... they can make for themselves hey you know what uh... we screwed up we didn't on the right...
Now this is a story all about how My life got flipped, Turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there I'll tell you about my TV and make you aware In West San...