Christine quinn

I have a tendency toward being a micromanager. Which, the bigger the project you're involved in, the harder that becomes.
There's not a lot of conversation going on in my world about softening my image. I'm pretty much who I am.
You don't have to have all the answers all the time. But the best thing to know is what you don't know.
To get things done, you have to get people together.
People have said I can come off a little trial-lawyerish. I tell people I never actually became a lawyer, but I play one at City Hall.
'No one sits Baby in a corner,' one of the best lines in movie history.
I'm just not gonna let up until I know I've done absolutely everything I can for New Yorkers.
It would be thrilling, obviously, to be able to have a woman and an openly LGBT person as the mayor of New York City.
I just want people to know you can get through stuff. I hope people can see that in what my life has been and where it is going.