more details have come out that chris proudly on the scandal monday %um so now we know it bad and this has been confirmed by employees the argument began wind some other woman text message chris brown...
chris brown did uh... issued apology finally after being sounded about dysentery she's come out and he's apologized for what he did to me on a on his apology sounds like he's...



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Por que estou bravo? Eu não entendo Parece que toda vez você me manda sinais e eu não vejo Eu fiz de novo Eu admito Te deixei parada lá e agora me arrependo Parece que toda vez que eu tenho uma...
v la chanteuse rihanna écrite drame n'aurait pas fait que renault électrique il faut aussi avoir un bébé ensemble selon le magazine claude puel la star de la pop aurait demandé des vacances...
JFIF $pExif Apple iPod touch Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer 6.1.7600.16385 2011:10:24 23:24:51 0221 0100 2011:10:24 07:38:29 2011:10:24 07:38:29 $.' ",# (7),01444...
the really on a story grown-ups but it does as I said yesterday details are sketchy but we're getting more and more details %uh especially about her injuries which I think is extremely...
Thought I was gonna say some corny ish HAHA! Nah.. Ah! A yessir, it be that, it be that, It be that breezy nigga near a millie here and million there. Selling out stadium's million chairs....
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