Hi, I'm going to try to explain one of the misconceptions. A lot of people are familiar with acupuncture as a therapy for variety of ailments. But really, acupuncture is a small part of...
A couple of thousand years ago, when ancient Chinese applied the hot stone to painful area, they find out the pain and other discomfort are relieved. So, they accumulated this information about the...
Here at the Capital Health Centre of Traditional Chinese Medicine, our nationally accredited practitioners combine a traditional service of care with a western-style management. Since establishing the...
This is Eileen Dey on behalf of Expert Village and in this segment we will give an introduction and overview to Chinese medicine. This medicine has been around for over 5,000 years. Before recorded...
SARAH HAUER: Hi. I'm Sarah Hauer. SIG HAUER: And I'm Sig Hauer, and we're professional practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. SARAH HAUER: We're here on behalf...
SARAH HAUER: Hi. I'm Sarah Hauer. SIG HAUER: And I'm Sig Hauer and we're professional practitioners of traditional Chinese medicines. SARAH HAUER: We're here on behalf...
SARAH HAUER: Hi. I'm Sarah Hauer. SIG HAUER: And I'm Sig Hauer, and we're professional practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. SARAH HAUER: We're here on behalf...
SARAH HAUER: Hi. I'm Sarah Hauer. SIG HAUER: And I'm Sig Hauer, and we're professional practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. SARAH HAUER: We're here on behalf...
The next herb we're going to talk about is Ginger. In Chinese, we refer to it as Sheng Jiang. That's the fresh ginger. We actually have slightly different properties with the different...
One of the things I like to talk to my patients about is combining herbs, medicinal herbs, into the food. And so, we can actually make one of my favorite recipes, called eight treasures soup, or eight...