We're gonna need your bolster. If your hamstrings are really tight, you're gonna need a block. Because we're going to do Dandasana, or Seated Staff Pose. And if you need extra...
For our move of the month we are going to wrik with the Sun Salutations: Surya Namaskar Series A 0:00:08.989,0:00:15.429 The first time through we will use cobra and the second time through we will...
In this clip, we're going to talk about Adho Mukha Svanasana. It's a really fancy word for downward facing dog, one of the most popular yoga poses in class. Amy, here, already is...
We're going to continue the sun salutation with Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, upward facing dog. Here is the place that you can either do upward facing dog, or cobra, Bhujangasana. Both of them are...
I'm Linda Black here to show you Chaturanga. This is not a simple pose, but, for beginners we're going to show you a nice way to get into it. Starting in four limbs staff pose, out...
hi everyone, welcome to Ekhart Yoga, my name is Esther I'd like to talk to you a little bit about depression and feeling low which we all know we all get it now and then, some a little bit...
Let us move to the floor and do some stretching for the front side and the back side at the same time. So, you have come from seated position. You are going to extend the legs forward into Staff Pose....
Hi, I'm Carolyn Heldman for Zenergy Yoga Studio in Denver, Colorado on behalf of Expert Village. In the sun salutation series or series a nomiscar series many people complain about wrist...