Mecklenburg Dermatology, for facial anti- aging in Charlotte North Carolina, please call us at 704-344-8846, we have a wide variety of treatments and technology to help rejuvenate your facial skin,...
Psoriasis Treatment Charlotte North Carolina Call the office of Mecklenburg Dermatology at 704-344-8846 for the treatment of Psoriasis in Charlotte North Carolina. Psoriasis treatment can bring relief...
Call the office of Mecklenburg Dermatology at 704-344-8846 if you're interested in having a tattoo removed or several, with our state of art laser removal we can safely diminish the appearance...
Um, my name is Bill Hoffman. I work for Seimens Financial Services. I am currently working on the Alcoria [phonetic] Project where Seimens will be providing turbines as well as, uh, generators,...



My name is Jeannie Outen. I have been a patient of Dr. Harrell's for about a year and a half. I really enjoy every aspect of the service that I have been getting -- from the reminders that I...
My teeth were just not pretty at all. They were discolored; they were cracked from years of abuse and use. I would always hide my smile or not smile at all. And, I decided to have this work done, so I...
I'm Carol Fox. You can find me at Carolina Small Town Living dot com. Let's take a tour of Chestnut Oaks, a neighborhood in Stallings, a small town in the southern region of Charlotte...
dentist charlotte here's x honey little secret for filling the more confident imagine having a brand new to wrap dead gorgeous smile injustice one date just once you want to be that girl...



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