>> JIM MARKEL: I was doing some research for keywords and I came across a little web site called 0:00:08.470,0:00:10.369 onebag.com 0:00:10.369,0:00:14.769 and I contacted the gentleman...
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I'm John Baumstark. I'm the chairman and CEO of Suniva. We're based in Norcross, Ga., which is just outside of Atlanta. We manufacture high-efficiency solar cells and solar...
[Applause] >> >> [Applause] Carlos Ghosn: It's better always to enjoy applause before than after. >> [Laughing] SPEAKER02: Mr. Ghosn, thank you for...
i can't wait to see long do you want the road and with the iraqis c_e_o_ pops up tomorrow here in the creating of the year an empty gesture q_v_c_ or not experts house pops up uh... thank you...
Planes, yachts and islands, that's where I chill I'm in the music biz, I got a license to ill You want to get diversified, don't even try I got this _______ covered,...
I was born and raised in rural Missouri. My dad taught me to hunt and fish when I was just a kid. My name is Larry Potterfield; I'm the CEO of MidwayUSA, a small family-owned business in rural...
As a business leader, I take flouting cartel laws very seriously. Cartels have no place in the legitimate business world. With Qantas and some of its executives having been through the rigours of an...
As an affordable luxury, non-alcoholic commercial beverages have a huge opportunity to grow along with the global middle class, which actually is growing and booming. As faster, more rapid, economic...