Hi I'm Jessica Meiczinger with Simply Divine Events and I'm here to talk about favor ideas for your garden themed wedding. First of all we have here what is a great idea is you can get...
Do you need a way to clean your silk flowers? One that gently restores that like-new quality? Then let me introduce you, to Simply Silk, silk plant cleaner. Simply Silk is easy to use. It's...
Since 1990 Faktor company has been a wholesaler and importer of artificial flowers from the Far East. We offer cut flowers, bouquets, flowering and non- flowering plants, saplings and floral...
Hi this is Ginny with Simply Beautiful crafts on behalf of Expert Village and today we are going to be making a varity of versitl halloween center pieces. Once you have your floral circle or you...
Well, I think one of the the most well-recognized recycling policies to increase to increase participation and diminish refuse generation is pay-as-you-throw systems. Those have been proven out over...
Hello my name is Andrew Campbell, welcome to AC Silver. This fine, large and impressive antique Edwardian English sterling silver epergne / centrepiece is quite an exceptional example. It has a plain...
PB Teen Going Green with PBTeen and Surfrider.org Brandon Hi, I'm Brandon, and I'm a supporter of the Surfrider Foundation. It's so important to protect the environment because...
What is important to you? What's important to you? Family, friends, music... What matters to you? Sports, education, art... What inspires you? Being healthy, going green, doing my part, Two...
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Right now we're doing a cool little centerpiece for either a kids soccer birthday party or maybe your soccer team is having a party to celebrate the end of the season. And we've just...