I realised that if you get yourself labeled as the funny one, people don't look any further. I've used that as I've got older. It's controlling: I decide what part of my personality you're seeing. I...
Oh nein... Ist alles in Ordnung? Nein, eigentlich ist das ein Albtraum! Weshalb denn? Alle Vorstandschefs weltweit sind in diesem Raum, in 10 Minuten soll die Jahreshauptversammlung stattfinden, die...
Tłumaczenie: damian100192 Przepraszam, ale... Mogę...? Będziesz miała coś przeciwko, jeśli to dokończę? Ja śpiewałam na głos? Boże! Byłam wczoraj na kursie salsy. Cały czas mam muzykę w głowie....
Depuis 3 semaines, nous sommes en voyage dans la galaxie, de Gallifrey à Gateshead. Notre quête ? Découvrir notre nouvel extra-terrestre. Pour les fans de Doctor Who, c'est le rêve que...
Hello! Yes? Yes! It's working. Hello, how are you? Long time, no see, hmm? Of course it may be... maybe we've yet to met. That is a problem. Though easily rectified. My pleasure!...
I'm not, and I don't think I could be, 'cause I don't think sympathy's good, even for children It's not good to be given sympathy You need help Like you...
Hello, I'm HellPitter and in this episode i'll show you review of some gadget of Doctor Who Series. This Gadget is stylus, looking like 11 th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver, and Nintendo DS...
Once upon a time, Seven years ago, I gave him a scar, Shaped like a lightning bolt, I killed her, your Lily, Avada Kedavra baby! I guess you didn't like, That I just killed the girl, Who...
Hi, I'm Sarah Dillon. I'm a certified translator with over 10 years of experience helping small businesses communicate their vision to an international audience. You don't need...