. Against my love shall be as I am now, With Time's injurious hand crushed and o'er worn, When hours have drained his blood and filled his brow With lines and wrinkles, when his...
Hi! I'm Fran Friedman from Morning Star Animal Sanctuary and I want to talk to you about emergency care and health issues on behalf of expertvillage.com. Some people find ferrets roaming...



I can't. I can't! Oh, you can No I cant Im meeting George and Sinead, that's what I came to tell you Oh, you can't leave me like this! I'll make it up to you...
Knee to knee Ja-young. Wake up now. It's bad for you to sleep in. Good morning, everybody. It's a beautiful day. I'm Michael Jackson. OK, OK you're doing a good job....
Hey everybody, this is Russ Ruggles with Onlinedatingmatchmaker.com. I'm here to tell you how to save a ton of money when you sign up with eHarmony with some coupon codes. This a little bit of...
Hello My Name is Debbie Um This is my first attempt oops um at a eharmoney video um this is my first time at online dating so I'm impervious but excited at the same time um so I'm just...
My name is Arthur Waller, I'm 74 this year, I have the M.B.E., and I got that for services within the community - Merseyside I was a justice of the peace for 27 and a half years Would you like...
Once upon a time, in a village called La Mancha, in Spain, there lived a man who loved to read about knights. Everyday he would read about courageous knights and the incredible adventures they had. He...