the top ten forty schools are out playbook missus list that by their own things that make sense on a anderson questionable uh... listings as well wilshire all that with u for salt on temporary schools...
an alabama town accidentally invited a group group of black drag queens to their Christmas parade this is so funny Daily Mail UK and the progressive populist has a report on it sends I think...
and that you can has approved a pain to pray order uh... that's angering catholics in germany so in germany they actually have something known as a church tax if you do choose to be part of...
a new study indicates that castration could possibly live uh... lead to a longer life now this study was published in the journal of current biology and he looked at unix uh... from uh... you know...
it's thursday we're going to check in with dennis campbell for world view we dennis campbell dennis is of course editor in chief of u_k_ progressive magazine dennis what's been...
retired colonel uh... robert friend says that the u_s_ should definitely investigate unidentified flying saucers because he thinks that they're is like outside of comp so it's pretty...
the United States Justice Department has all but concluded it will not bring charges against wikiLeaks founder Julian assigns for publishing all those classified documents because government lawyers...
three men who were on trial in egypt for out the killing of a man often hussein in uh... and they were sentenced to fifteen years that's a good number of years we find out the details of the...
Sarah Palin is not taking any breaks from hurt continued spouting up nonsense she is now saying that in light of this entire government shutdown Obamacare debt-ceiling debate she says that President...
so then we've got we now go to the Values Voter Summit and the Values Voter Summit has been this site love a number I love completely outrageous statements over the last %uh few days that...