in >> hello, and welcome to another edition of "mosaic," an african- american perspective. Today we will be talking to an educator with montgomery county public schools...



First thing you are going to do after you have installed the app is to click on the icon. That is going to automatically take you to the first page which is Henry Aaron. Now you are going to be using...
[M. Augustine] I got my start in choirs. I’ve been classically trained as well, so I started off in choral music singing with choirs just so I could increase my sight reading skills, and then...
just true, as a bird you don't flock in skies above you know, life ain't worth living if you ain't with the one you love lord, i wrote one line and i lay my pencil down one...
How do we obtain power? Is it a good side of beef and taking an axe to a cord of wood? Does power come from pushing people around? Does it come from the gun, the whip, the fist? I'll tell you...
Let me tell you a story about John Mercer Langston. One day in 1890 in Washington, D.C., John was driving down the street aboard an elegant carriage. Now this carriage was powered by magnificent white...
By now you know the names by heart: Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, Lafayette. The stars of the American Revolution. The men who figured it all out: how to create a new government, how to beat...
In the United States of America, circa 1900, a woman was not considered equal to a man. A woman could not even visit a voting booth and choose her government representative. And a black woman-- well,...
>>Asia: This chair is for the presenter. This is for the person who created the trailer. You're going to say how you decided to do your trailer. Then we'll do warm and...